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Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Favorite Moments in Movies: Action/Suspense.

The Movie: Terminator 2
The Scene: The T1000 is chasing down Arnies terminator, John Connor and Sarah Connor, slamming into their slow ass truck, it is basically glued to the bumper, Arnold loses a grenade round as he tries to reload so he improvises my grabbing his assault rifle off the dash, climbing through the back of the truck and onto the hood of the chasing Cryo truck, and kneels at the windshield pumping the liquid metal antagonist full of bullets, and twisting the wheel so that it crashes. 
When: Near the end of the movie, it is the final vehicle chase of the film, and this moment is at the chases end.

The Movie: Alien
The Scene: Chestbuster.  Self-explanatory.

The Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The Scene: The entire tank chase sequence.  Since both heroes are fighting, one on the inside, one on the outside, influencing events both in and out, its amazing, after all these years the scene stands as one of the best action scenes ever, shadowed of course by....

The Movie: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Scene: Truck chase. Self-Explanatory.  They don't make them like these anymore.

The Movie: Inception
The Scene: The winding hallway, and hotel room sequence, even a glimpse of it in the previews was bad ass, and it is exceptionally brief, but its probably the most iconic image from the whole movie.

The Movie: Let Me In
The Scene: Richard Jenkins hiding in the back seat of a young man's car as his plan to acquire blood for his vampire are royally screwed up.  I just love how they set it up, and put the camera in the car as it rolls down the hill. Great sequence.

The Movie: The Matrix Reloaded
The Scene: during the highway chase, when one of the ghost like twins leaves his vehicle for the car the heroes are in and proceeds to have a fight with them in the car, i find myself smiling at this sequence, because after all the lengthy kung fu scenes this one seems goofy but at the same time amazingly awesome.

The Movie: Collateral
The Scene: Jamie Foxx is tied to the steering wheel of his taxi that hitman Tom Cruise has hijacked essentially.  It is towards the end of the scene after Jamie Foxx is robbed by some redneck hooligans and Cruises assassin re-emerges, they try to threaten him by putting a gun in his face but with lightning speed he takes the gun and turns it on the two and dispatches them just as quickly, recovers some stolen property and puts one more in the head as he walks by to make sure. 

The Movie: Wanted
The Scene: our hero Wesley just told off his boss, and his "best" friend tries to high five him calling him the man, Wesley slams a keyboard into his face instead, and the flying letters go toward the screen spelling FUCK YO with a flying tooth making up the last U. 

The Movie: From Russia with Love
The Scene: the fist fight on the train is amazing, watch it!

The Movie: X-2 X-Men United
The Scene: the opening Nightcrawler sequence is still pretty sweet, and a bad ass way to open up a movie.

The Movie: Brick
The Scene: Joseph Gordon Levitts high school private eye type is being chased by a local knife wielding goon, going around the corner of the high school lockers, Levitt takes off his shoes as the footsteps of the assailant grow closer he turns back in the direction they are coming and slides out feet first tripping the man and sending him headfirst into a metal pole.  Best part about it is that there is no music, all you hear are those footsteps through the whole thing, brilliant.

The Movie: No Country for Old Men
The Scene: Woody Harrelson sits in a chair across from Javier Bardems psychotic killer, and just watch the sweat and defiance of Harrelson as he literally stares down the barrel of his demise trying even though he knows he's defeated to reason with a man he knows he can't reason with.  Brilliant!

Those are good enough for now.  I may come back and re-edit this post, add some more stuff try and include video, but here we are.

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