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Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Hapless Woodsman

He walked this road before,
Held her close before,
But he never meant for things to turn out the way they did,
He said harsh things,
But never lifted a finger against her,
Only rattled her cage, and left her shaken,
She feared violence would come,
But it never did, she knew inside it wouldn't,
She knew what he had said was for her own good,
and it wasn't a threat, just a warning,
Not for her pain, but to prevent it,
he saw the road she was going down, and wanted to destroy it
Topple the bridges, and build walls,
Trap her inside a fortress,
and not for himself, but for her well being,
He could see her there, trembling in terror,
and it broke his heart,
So misunderstood and all alone,
With the big bad wolves dressed like sheep,
Standing outside the door,
Waiting for her to sleep,
And he was locked out of her life,
A door slammed in his face, and he heard the window break,
But she was a heavy sleeper,
Sound and gone, in her dreams,
Locked away with her key,
and they ate her up,
Gobbled her down in small little bites,
And she was gone,
He beat on the door begging them to stop,
To reconsider their terrorizing,
But they woudl not stop,
They refused to back down,
and heard them congratulate one another,
Give each other pats on the back,
And high fiving,
And he took an axe to the door,
Broke in down, turned it to splints,
And there she was,
On the bed, and they were gone, strolling around in their full wolf glory,
Monsters, with gnashing teeth, and beady eyes,
Done with her, after they broke her, simply done with her,
he tried to hold her close,
She knew his truths,
But she refused to admit her soul was gone,
She was gone,
and he wept and left her there,
After much debate and much reflection,
he had too, because she would lead them both down the road
To the caves,
and put them each in mortal danger,
She wanted it more,
The eating and horror,
It was all she would know now,
and he wept and left her there,
Beyond repair,
but he would always leave an ear open, and try to save another,
Whom he worried was going down the same road,
Why is it the wolves always attract the lambs to the slaugher?

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