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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All those Shitty People, Where Do They All Come From

I've discovered a method to your madness
Of course you'll wiggle out of it,
But your friends are dicks, and bitches
They slander everyone's name and yours
and you continue to smile with them
You are outspoken as they are outspoken
You voice your opinion as they do to, but the difference is
They have an air of superiority
You want to know the truth
I can't stand being around you when they are there
These people, trapped in mediocrity, making sure everyone is as miserable as they are
Unlike them, I cannot stomach it,
The leech like way they poison a mind,
Turn it into something that feels insignifcance, that just beccause you are no one of significance that your words, and your thoughts serve no purpose,
If someone else had said what I said,
If someone else had wrote what I wrote
someone with a status in their eyes,
They would think it interesting, they would contimplate it,
But they say nope, he's no one,
the words can mean nothing, because I think I know him,
And oh yes, they think they know you,
These liars, and spider women,
These jerks, and goblin men,
They know enough to keep you hurling upon the earth
Kicking you in the stomach for sport,
While they have uncontrollable sporatic bowel movements all over themselves,
And they do, they reek of shit, of spoils, of excrement, of partially digested ideas,
And they will dying smelling of a bottomless trash heap,
Because that is what they are trash.
I wish you wouldn't let them touch you before they wash their hands,
You try to be like them,
Because they want to be like you,
If you want to make your life better you need to let these people go,
They already changed you,
You already let them influence your thoughts,
And it broke my heart,
But behind your eyes, I can see, that you are suffering like me
Let them go,
Speed away,

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