Blog Archive

Monday, December 2, 2013

Imitating Clowns

If I should continue my onward descent

I will eventually enter into my void

A place in the back of my mind where I sleep

When my thoughts force me into tired mumbles

In the back of a room in the dark in the rain

That pitters and patters upon the roof

Echoing in a ghostly chamber

That is all in my head where it always was

As were the troubles that cluttered the room

Where my footing was unsure and I could not move

Lest I trip and crush the trinkets about

My soul to keep itself entertained remains

In a blanket of melancholy

Disguised in sarcasms and humorous undertones

An invisible frown painted on the face

Of my mask that must be worn today

Though I am inside and outside is nothing

The world is there and it is empty and nil

Tree's blow in a wind of catastrophe

because of my claustrophobic tendencies

Do not omit the details just because you can't write the words

It's not your fault what they did to you

Stop the process of getting stuck in your room

If the light were released from this void to that

We might actually smile for real
Maybe today just once it'll be real.

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