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Thursday, August 11, 2016

A True Nightmare

I don't think its outrageous to say voting for Hilary is better than voting for Trump. I'd rather have the lying politician who upholds the status quo of corruption, than a nutcase who says whatever the hell he wants and is making a hateful culture that is being greedily taken advantage of by hate groups. At least with Hilary everything won't get flushed down the toilet. At least with Hilary we can kind of crawl until the next election where hopefully people have gotten their delusional heads out of their asses. I'll take that over the blowhard who has hours and hours of recordings that contradict every stance he's ever said, where he is a sexist bastard, and a smug rich guy who pretends he's suffered. He's not the image of success that people somehow flock to think he is. Maybe I won't vote for Hilary but to claim that they are on somehow equal footing as shitty human beings is a pretty rough pill to swallow. Yes the establishment needs to change, and progress has been made, but my god, don't we want to be taken seriously by the world at all.

Idk, I'm not a political scholar, but neither are you you scourers of the internet. You who cite the sources of extremely biased media. I'm not here to argue the opinions of assholes, I'm going off what has been said, and the environment that is being incited. It pisses me off that he's gotten this far. He's not going to win. And now its like he's kicking and squealing like a little child throwing out the worst statements ever.

Maybe in the end it's all a joke. Maybe him and Hilary worked it out so that he'd let a bunch of delusional people think he was their savior. I don't even understand the faith vote on this. How anyone can seriously think as far as religion is concerned that he speaks for you. I think more than anything it just shows that party affiliation is what you're after, not actual beliefs. Abortion is still going to exist. Gay marriage isn't going anywhere. Let go of those small reasons, and focus on the bigger picture. What a waste of votes.

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