Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gods Above Us

There was a beacon of hope that terrified the vile
It shone forth like a great fire
Burning and terrifying
Like a blight, but pristine
Terrorizing the wicked
And comforting the willful
Not the good but the content
Not the saints but the ants
An ordinary people guarded by otherworldly light
For the saints march on with their swords and their shields
And the evils press forward with their teeth and their claws
Tremendous strides not unlike giants
While the insects pass by one another
Under foot of these behemoths
Protected by the flames of some time else
Moving to and fro unabashed
Not deterred by the warring of the factions
Simply simple in the simplicity of the simpleton
Their mindsets pleased to be freely going with family
To safely interacting with friends
While the monsters and gods swing forth hunks of steal
Scratch with protruding bones
And tearing each other a part
There is a red mist that flutters down upon the bugs
Coats them once in a while
And distracts them like the first droplets of rain
And then they pause and they ponder
Contemplate the blood rain
Unable to see the tops of the hulking masses
Unable to see like the canopy of a thousand trees
It is a truth though
For the unfortunate
That in all the gnashing of teeth
And blows of swords
That the feet move about on those giants legs like redwoods
And a few of the critters are squashed underneath
So that others ponder the pain on the ground
Not the great big thunder flailing overhead
The clanging of steal
The shattering of backs
The cries of defeat
The death tears of the broken
As the blessed and the damned
Bleed out on the land
There are those on the ground who never look up
Who only tend to their wounded
Slain in a cosmic struggle 
That had nothing to do with them in the first place
So much for otherworldly protection
So much for divine intervention

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