Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making the Swan Sing

I hear the sound of desperation depart your lips and yet I stand by idly
You reach a hand out for my help but I am frozen, a blanket of anxiety plagues my body
I ache and twist, trying to manipulate my unmanageable appendages
But to no avail,
As you drown, I can only watch helplessly, and as the world falls on top of you,
I turn away and walk freely.
Free of the chaos I am free to breathe, to move, to react, my blood rushes freely,
And my destiny collides with the clouds.
Somewhere under there you are broken, and crying, desperate and depressed,
Falsely believing angels on high will lift you forward,
Not realizing the decomposition that will consume your flesh,
But I can feel it, as I move to sit, to forget, as I move to remove myself from your ridicule
And my body returns to its original form, fragile and immobile,
I want to be comatose, but I realize what I did then,
I am the cause of my own paralysis, I lifted you up to the supports,
But I never reinforced the beams,
And there,
Way down there,
Beneath your despair, and desperation, I can feel it,
The crushing defeat, the hopelessness, and I ache to mend my mistakes,
Healing you would be my greatest triumph, but I have never been one to aim for simple victory
To win simply for the sake of winning,
To grasp the achievement of achievement,
Such trivial things I do not endure,
But to save a life, even if I am the cause of the misery,
Yes, i'll save a life.

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