Thursday, November 16, 2017

There is No Post-Production

Do you feel that twinge in your back
the one that tells you to wake up
and start your day.  Don't ignore it,
because it will continue to pester
you until you find your way crawling
on floor for breakfast.  It'll slither
you on through the door and self-drive
your car.   You will fester at work like
an open soar or boil that is waiting
to burst.   You'll gunk up the rest
of your co-workers with your gruesome
bile and all the while that pestering twinge
in your back begging you to wake up.
You will sit silent at desk, cubicle, counter,
and you will ponder the evils transgressed
around you but if you do not give heed
to that twinge in your back you will
be left with nothing in a world full of infinite
variability.   If you do not pick a number
that small twinge will spike and hurt you.
It will beg for release, and all that bile will
build back up just as it was before until
like a brain vessel bursting in your brain
its too late.   You'll be dead and you'll have
concocted a dozen or so million reasons
to ignore it, or poke at it, but not accept it
that twinge is the possibilities of tomorrow
but if you keep on keeping on, and keep
calm and carry on it will kick and stab you.
It will scream out to the ire of your friends,
family, lovers, acquaintences, up until, and even
passed the moment of departure.  It will scream
aloud, "I was the real you, I was your potential,
I was your inner child screaming to be set free,"
so chill out, sit down, laugh, love, and experience
the fun of your eager little hearts.

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