Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Criminality of Nonsense

It was atomically consussive
Obnoxiously suggestive
Cast Iron Gates sprouting up like spear heads
Nothing to do but fear and loathing in your heads
Desperately attacking the nexus
Developing a skin rash sitting next to us
Laying out the brick work
For a show about shit work
Calling all cars and ambulances
A police bulletin that sings christmas lullabies
And a degenarate inn keeper and his wife
Who only know how to fuck and spread strife
Debilatating stomach cramps
Cancerous infections on the roof of your mouth
Spreading like fire on toilet paper
Consuming the gasoline soaked masses
Teleporting the oritory to the outer rims
Deciding to leave the way open for more time
Casting the roles in reverse
The dick head on her lady purse
Pastors slicing open festering wounds
And filling it with nano bots
That spread filth with their disease ridden programmings
To the top of the hill
To the bottom of the bottle of pills
Where only orange transparency rests
Till we all face uncertain deaths

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