In the briefest of scenes
Of girl meets guy
He said what he means
But it was a lie
The little orchard that was up the hill
Means not a thing now
For once he had his fill
He was left to bloat and drown
Condensed like a can of nothing
Harking back to the ages of darkness
He can't see the blank lines that he's passing
And he is lost in his weary starkness
Blasted the old sage wisdom
Whispers told by those much wiser
A cannon shot of idiom
He will attempt to mask and disguise her
With all the wishy washy wishes he wished for her face
When once he was dreaming on his bed ridden place
But he can't seem to fathom the answers as they pace
Back and forth amongst the apple orchard
And they will kiss and love it still
Even after the blood letting has gotten its fill
Even after the world seems to blankly forget them
They will not forget each other for the common.
And as Act two opens wide
When the curtain pulls open
The groom will be dead, and the bride,
Well she'll be weeping, with soap in her,
Hands as they are scarcely red,
Where she scrubbed and she toiled,
To make it not her who had made him quite dead,
But the trick you see, it was spoiled
For the caretakers entered and spotted her there
With blood on her hand, stuck and smeared with happy tears,
There was even a droplet of red in her hair,
And they could not even fathom their fears.
Yet they lifted the corpse and brought it out to pasture
In the middle of some farmland specacled with manure
And their they buried the groomsmen for deathly sure
If he wasn't dead then he was dead again now.
And they will kiss and love it still
Even after the blood letting has gotten its fill
Even after the world seems to coldly remember them,
They won't recall it all for they is no longer,
Only she remembers everything,
And he,
Well he can't remember or regain again,
For he is dead
And six feet under.
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