There's a hole in this soul
A hold on the door
A fabled snake that glides at my sole's
Snapping at my heels,
Trying to crack deals,
Featuring a state of the art hybrid of intelligence and fool hardy ambitions
Decidedly deceptive under the pretense of kind boastfulness
The contradictory nature of the bearded dragon
Spine tingling mysteries set to period music in elevator shafts devoid of floors
There's a way back out
A trapeze artist all tapped down
Figuratively falling through space
To that imagined resting place
God forbidding the drink to be passed,
Sliding through stars on their bare ass,
Incorporating treatments to the festering wounds on the hind legs of chimpanzees
Flipping the cars because they want their bitching voices to be heard
Conducting the last known testament of Jesus Christ in the back alley street deal
As money exchanges hands and the heroin is snorted through the holes in their faces
It's not a common occurrence
It only happens without insurance
And for a small fee the animal control will deal with this out of control
Spraying fire at the masses of festering ants,
Burning the bodies and then excessively burning the ashes,
Tree stumps protruding to trip up his steps,
Sending him barreling to the floor,
Where he'll be consumed by the snakes and the dragons,
Let's pull out the race card,
Let's all pretend to know more,
Let's go to the movies and watch some crap to make us angry
And get in bar fights,
And then let's say we are not from monkeys
Slicing off the hypocrties hypocrisies
Is like accusing another human being of having skin,
While pretending that they don't,
Metaphorical speculation is on a decline after an incline,
But the ramp will send it skiiing out over the vastness of the slopes,
Where the hopes will be scattered about like several gold coins,
But they didn't jump high enough to absorb them in themselves,
As the tables are turned our seats are not moved,
We cry foul,
Even when our cowl,
Won't hide our mistakes.
From poems, to short stories, from rants to reviews, from shit to polish, this is the un-edited thought flowing blog so drink up, and be semi-entertained.
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