You know how you know but they don't
, you know how they care, but you don't,
you know how the squeeze the pleasantness right out of you with their apparent deciet,
Its not only fun to watch them squirm in the pleasantness of their lie,
It'll also be beautiful to watch the reaction when they discover that the truth is already known,
And that they will be silently judged for the rest of the time they are here,
This isn't a lie in itself, but a bold faced honest reaction,
You think you knew me, but you only knew half as well as you thought you did,
not even that, because even that is generous,
No in all brutal honest, you didn't even know a quarter of what I was,
You didn't understand that facade I put on to please you,
The lie i told, while you watched me squirm, and used what you thought was my truth,
You who smiles, and acts pleasant, and pretends they are good,
I hope when it becomes clear to you that im smarter than you'll ever be,
I hope you will realize that no one, and I mean no one is completely good,
No this is not a wish for pain for you,
This is a wish of satisfaction on my end that justice will be served for the many times you trespassed against me,
And leave God out of the discussion,
God as you pretend to know him, is sickened by his association with your tongue,
He the crutch you use,
I wish you not a horrible existence, I really hope you are happy,
I just can't wait for you to wake the fuck up,
This person that I am, this nice, kind person with a knife in his side,
This person is not completely good,
In fact I seek out the selfish things to, I lie too, I try too hard of course,
Do you not see me? of course you don't,
Your too busy thinking you have issues,
Lets compare issues for a second, lets compare our histories for a second,
Think about it, you don't get the excuse of having issues when I have probably worse issues but am behaving the way I am,
As a civilized human being, as a gentle nurturing person, no not devoid of agression, or bad habits,
But as a truthfully kind person, not just the hopes that i can be,
Stop lying to yourself,
Or I'll never have any respect for you.
From poems, to short stories, from rants to reviews, from shit to polish, this is the un-edited thought flowing blog so drink up, and be semi-entertained.
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