Why do you pester me with long passages of melodrama
When you could have easily summed it up easily
If only you'd taken a breath and used a little brevity
However; as this is your comatose state
I will not judge you for not finding the words
When at first you don't succeed as they say
Whoever they are we do not know
Gladly I disembark from your cluttered vessel
And sail among an ocean of disappointments
Where seldom people ever find solace
But they find a way to be content
Even if for an eve or two
While the stars bow down their weary heads
And hold the hands of the children's hearts
Where your words are worthless when storms are brewing
The masses are terribly unsure what you're doing
While these waters toss me hitherto
I cannot in good faith let the gods of my feelings rule me
Nor can i falter in my steps because doubt rules me
the good will has passed and god will do what he will with me
For in these endings it is always on a selfish whim
That i cry out, "Save me, just me, me first, me, me me."
And where i shout these is a place your voice won't carry
In a kaleidoscope of colors
You will see through a magnifying glass
That which I see with my naked eyes
Though i wish they were clothed with spectacles.